Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Patrick!

This morning I woke up before my alarm went off, eager to make my little girls a special St. Patrick's Day breakfast in bed filled with an assortment of green yummies! Green eggs and ham, mini bagel with green cream cheese and a glass of green milk were all served on green plates and a tray covered with a green cloth napkin. Each girl was awakened with her own tray and smiled when they sleepily gazed at all the green fun.

While munching down on their lucky and charming chowdown, Sienna was excited to wear her new shamrock t-shirt that I surprised her with last week when I came home from Target. And Sarah, experienced a morning of many firsts. Today was the first time Mommy had served her breakfast in bed. Now that she is three, I thought she was ready and would enjoy true princess treatment. I also was leaning on my Irish luck that she wouldn't spill or end up feeding all the goodies to Clio, our very non-Irish but very leprechaun-like, pug! She also was exposed to her first mommy-food-dyed green eggs and whatnots. She tried each of them reluctantly then after she took a mini bite from her mini bagel, her eyes were as large as the mini saucer the bagel once sat on. She said, "Wow! Mommy! This is delicious!" I smiled at her enjoyment, amazement, sense of adventure and her use of fantastic vocabulary at only the age of three! I mean, do other three year olds say "delicious" with such awe and articulation?

The morning rushed on like any other morning, though with hints of green and extra "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" kisses from mommy who will find any excuse to kiss her little girls when ever she can on any day, especially trite little holidays like St. Patty's Day! Sienna rushed off to school, green shirt, green pants, blue-green jacket and as many green items I could find to pack in her lunch. What? So! I know! I am a nerd when it comes to cheesy holidays. Being the merry maker that I am allows me the proper liberty to be over the top on days like today! As I tell Sienna to have a wonderful and happy St. Patrick's Day, I turned my full attention to my little tot. At age three, can I still call her a tot? I mean, she's not in preschool YET! Hmmm. How bout a tween totter, or a wee-preschooler. Or, a pwee-scwoo-wa! I digress.

It was then time to change a craptacular sensation that filled our living room like a puff of green in a Loony Tunes cartoon. The odor was coming from none other than the tot's diaper. It was time for a change. Changing, is one of my least favorite parts of being a mom, unless you are talking about changing the economy, changing your attitude, changing my flat tire, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera! (That is a quote from the King & I, just so ya know!) (Not the entire tid bit about change, that is from me, just the et cetera part, just so you know!) Now, I know what you are thinking, you think that I am going to use the green theme here while disgusting discussing her diaper. Butt, But, I am snot, what? snot. It's green too! not, so get your head out of that green gutter! As I change her diaper, I realize that having a three year old who is still in diapers counterbalances her use of extraordinary vocabulary. She then interrupts my internal dialogue I was having in my head, my head that is adorned with a headband and two glittery green shamrocks popping up like antennas from a very large Irish bug. She grins at me and says, excitedly, "It's Patrick Day!"

I reply with a relaxed Irish smile, "Happy St. Patrick's Day Sarah!"

She says, "Is tomowwo Sponge Bob Day?"

Trying to keep a straight face I said, "No hon, I don't think Sponge Bob is Irish. And, I know he is not a saint."

"Ahh. Poor Sponge Bob," she sadly responds with a heart of gold.

Have you found your treasure today? Look for the rainbow, believe in the promises that there is a pot of gold to be found in your day today! Happy St. Patrick's Day! There's more to your day today than just getting pinched if you don't wear green!


lynnmosher said...

Aww, how cute! This was such a fun read. Your ideas of green were great for your girls. I'm so glad I got to read this.

And poor Spongebob? I'm sure you can come up with a special day for him! He-he!

Anonymous said...

Ah...how sweet. You put so much time into this.

How are you?

How is life?

I am back. I vanished for a couple of months but I return revitalized.

I needed to read this. I have been a slacker with the children lately. I put myself first and I didn't like it.

Hey..I bought the Wii Fit today. How is that going?

Elizabeth Channel said...

You are such a fun, creative mommy! You inspire me : )

danette said...

Aww, what a fun day! And that handprint art is just too cute :).

kanishk said...

I'm sure you can come up with a special day for him!

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