There was a spring dance last year at Sienna's school. Being only in Kindergarten, of course, I planned on going with her. It was an 80s theme and if you dressed in an 80s costume, you got in for free.
So, after dinner one night, Sienna and I got out my old plastic Kadoodle box that was covered with my old Woodstock stickers. This is where I have kept all of my funky, club going, high school prom bling-buttah-bling. Since the 80s was my decade and Madonna was my idol back then, I naturally Dressed Us Up in My Love...
Big hair, bangles and lacy gloves, yes, I still had the goods. In fact, I was saving all of it for such a day like this. We had so much fun looking through my old junkie jewelry we laughed and laughed. And, after putting on the final lipstick, I sported a pair of heals, we treaded onward to the dance. Since the school was only a block away, we walked, hand in hand. I was in heaven.
The doors opened, we were able to nod in our Madonna gear and not pay the $1 admission. There was a band and the school gym was rockin! Suddenly, the good times turned upside down though. I scoped out the crowd and quickly realized all the parents do not dress up in this town. They do come to the dances and fill the stadium like seats surrounding the gym so they can catch glimpses of the new mom in town who didn't get the memo. I looked like a hooker!!! I took it in stride though because there were bigger problems to deal with like my little girl's stage fright.
The disco lights and music and crowds made my daughter cleave to her hooker-looking mamma. I tried to comfort her with some soda pop or a snack. That worked for a little bit. Then, she saw her classmates from afar. I pointed them out to her and said, "Look Sienna, there is Chrissy and Jenny!" She recoiled more and panicky proclaimed she needed to go home.
So, off we went. Like a Virgin and a Lucky Star, daughter and mother walked home, hand in hand.
I don't know if you meant to be funny but I laughed. You have to file this one away for your book. I can just see you walking into that gym like that!
I could see myself dressing up. My teen restricts me now as to what I am allowed to do in public. He even looks at my attire before I can go out the door to supervise the school dances.
That's a cute post with an important ending.
Reminds me of the time a friend told her husband that "supper club" was supposed to be dress-up and it was a 70s theme. (It was their first time to attend.) She dressed him all up in fake gold jewelry, plaid pants, etc. He showed up and of course nobody was dressed up. He took it in stride, just like you did.
Oh no. That's kind of awkward, I suppose I'd be inwardly cringing...okay maybe outwardly cringing. Hope you at least got some photos, it sounds like it should have been fun in theory.
Oh no! I would probably have hid behind something with my daughter. What party poopers the other parents were to not dress up though!
I hate uptight party poopers!
Anyway, I still loved the ending.
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