So am I honey. So am I!
Help us solve the Santa mystery. Will the true Santa, please stand up?
Please cast your vote to help us. What do YOU think?
Is the jolly man in red who visited us last night the real St. Nicolas? If you agree, select HOME VISITING SANTA at the poll below.
Is the gentle man with a "real beard," as Sienna claims, the actual historic man behind the magical day of Christmas? If you think this is the real Santa, please select CHRISTMAS TREE SANTA at the poll below.
Have we been fooled by the mystical holiday hysteria all along? Have YOU spotted the true Santa? If you have, please select OTHER at the poll below and then leave a comment with a link to the photo you believe to be the REAL Jolly St. Nick!
See the Santa on my last post. He's the real deal baby!
It's good to be back. Can't wait to catch up with you!
Aw...look at the happy smile!
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