Dear Google:
I am searching for answers on why I am having these symptoms:
leg cramping, nausea, "smell sensitivity," throwing up, headaches, tiredness, irritability, diarrhea, loss of appetite
Could you please tell me if I am pregnant or not even though I just had a period 17 days ago.
While you are at it, could you please help my husband understand my anxiety over this issue?
I would rather have food poisoning or a flu bug. However, I would love to have a new baby. But on the other hand, I am content just how we are now...
More to come...
Ah, I once worked with a woman who continued to have periods until her fifth month of pregnancy. She couldn't figure out why she just kept gaining weight....
Take Care regardless of the outcome...
CAn't wait to hear!!
Ooooh...the flu is NO FUN so I hope it's a baby!
Oooh! Once I had both!
This is exciting!
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